Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jenkins on Raspberry Pi

dpkg - l
sudo apt-get install jenkins

Browse to http://your-raspberry-ip:8080

Enable authentication
Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security ->
Jenkins Own User Database -> Allow users to sign up
Sign Up
Now disable Allow users to sign up

You will probably want the greenball plugin, because success is indicated by a blue ball.
You will also want the msbuild plugin if you use Microsoft Visual Studio.
You will also want to enable the SVN plugin or GIT plugin.
Disable un-needed plugins to speed up loading.


Jenkins runs pretty slow on the Raspberry Pi, so you are probably better off running all your tasks on a slave node machine.

A simple Linux build on the Pi through Jenkins took 2 minutes and 38 seconds.
On a slave Windows machine it took 10 seconds.

Wow, so it runs fast on slave node, the only problem is the Jenkins Web UI responds slow to click and any page refreshes. It may be faster to go through the Jenkins CLI, but I haven't tried that yet.

Let me know if you know of any tips to get the Jenkins Web UI to respond faster or if you have any other experience running another CI (continuous integration) application (Bamboo, ...) on the Raspberry Pi.

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